All Saints Kingsway is a church for everyone. No matter where you are on your faith journey – whether you’re checking out church for the first time, returning to the church after a long time, or are looking for a new church – we welcome you and invite you to join us.
We have three services on Sunday and one service on Thursday. The worship experience is different for all four services, and we welcome you to try any or all of them.

A quiet, meditative and traditional service, where we worship and share Communion using the Book of Common Prayer (BCP).
In person.
A said service (no music) service of Holy Communion from the BCP.
In Person.

A dynamic, all-ages service of Holy Communion that includes choral music, hymns, biblically-relevant sermons, Scripture reading and prayers. Children’s (JK & up) programming is available during the teaching time and they return in time for communion and our nursery is staffed for those ages 3 and under.
This service is live streamed on YouTube beginning at 9:50am Sunday mornings.
In Person or Online (YouTube Livestream).

A shorter and less-formal service that includes contemporary music and Holy Communion. This service is for all ages and has children’s programs running and our nursery is staffed for those ages 3 and under.
In person only.
Baptism marks the beginning of your Christian journey. It is a ritual act of initiation, where you become full members of our church community. Baptism services are scheduled at various times throughout the year, generally on specific feast days in the church calendar.
We are here to support you as begin your Christian journey. Preparation for Baptism includes a session (or class when numbers warrant) with our clergy, during which you will explore the symbols of Baptism, review the promises made in Baptism, and discuss the details of the service. A rehearsal with the parish priest will take place shortly before the Baptism celebration.
If you wish to be baptized, or you wish to present your child for Baptism, please contact the office.

Your wedding day and the beginning of your marriage is a momentous occasion. Our clergy and staff welcome the opportunity to meet with you and explore the ways in which we can be a part of your wedding day, and the days that follow, as you begin your new life together as a married couple.
If you are interested in getting married at All Saints Kingsway, a good first step is to attend a Sunday morning service and speak with one of our Clergy. They will be able to answer some initial questions you may have about getting married at All Saints Kingsway.
The priest who officiates at your wedding will want to meet with you a few times. The initial conversation with the parish priest will cover topics such as availability, fees, policies, and details about the service you would like to plan. Couples who are married at All Saints Kingsway are expected to attend a marriage preparation course, which will help you explore topics that will impact your life together. A second conversation with the parish priest follows your completion of the course. As well, you can expect the priest to lead a wedding rehearsal with you.
Our Director of Music can perform at your wedding service and can help you select music suitable for the kind of ceremony you would like.
It is your responsibility to make arrangements for a marriage license.
If you have questions or are ready to take the first step, please contact the office to set-up a meeting with the parish priest.

In the midst of critical illness and during the difficult period following the death of a loved one, our clergy and pastoral staff are available to provide support and comfort.
There are many prayers and rites that can take place at the time of death and in the days that follow. These prayers remind us of God’s abiding love for us and help us acknowledge our loss. There can be prayers near or at the time of death, at one’s home or in the hospital. There can be prayers at the visitation, which might occur at a funeral home or at the church. Committal prayers may be done at the graveside or at the final resting place for the ashes. At the request of the family, our clergy can also lead these prayers at the crematorium.
The funeral liturgy can take place in the church or at a funeral home of your choice. This service may or may not include Holy Communion. Our clergy and staff can help you plan a funeral that celebrates the life of the person who died and blesses their memory. This rite is also an important time for those who grieve to seek God’s comfort and to be reminded of God’s promise of eternal life.
A separate service, for the internment of ashes, can take place at the final resting place for the ashes. If the ashes will rest in our columbarium, this rite will take place in the church. This service includes prayers and scripture readings. It can be combined with the funeral liturgy if the ashes are ready to be interned or this rite may take place some time after the funeral itself.
Our clergy and pastoral staff are available to provide pastoral support to those who grieve in the weeks and months following a death. Please contact us if you would like to receive further materials and resources on the grieving process.

Confirmation is a public declaration of your commitment as a follower of Jesus. For people who were baptised as infants or as young children, being confirmed means that you accept for yourself the promises made for you at your Baptism by your parents and sponsors/godparents.
Preparation for Confirmation is a time set apart for intentional formation in our faith. When we prepare for Confirmation, we often take a close look at the history and thinking and beliefs of our Anglican Faith. Delving deeper into scripture and the baptismal covenant, discussing questions about faith, and discerning where you are in your faith journey are part of the process to building a stronger commitment to God and the church. Similar preparation is also suitable for those who wish to renew their Baptismal vows, be received into the Anglican Communion, or for adults who wish to be baptized.
Adults interested in Confirmation should speak with the clergy. Youth who are interested in Confirmation should begin the conversation with our Associate Minister for Children and Youth. Services of Confirmation require the presence of a bishop and as such, depend on their schedule and plans to visit our parish. Alternatively, candidates may attend the Diocesan Confirmation Service, held each spring in the Season of Easter.

As Christians, prayer is how we connect and communicate with God. It is an opportunity to open ourselves to God; to give thanks; to ask for God’s blessing and help for ourselves and the world around us.
During Sunday services, we pray for the needs of individuals, our community and the world around us in the Prayers of the People (or intercessions). If you would like us to pray for someone specific, we invite you to add their name to the intercession sheet located on the podium just outside the entrance to the sanctuary in the front foyer.
The first Wednesday of every month (except July and August), a small group meets at the church in the afternoon to pray for individual needs, as well as the congregation, clergy, and staff of All Saints Kingsway. Please contact Natania or Helen via the Church office if you have prayer requests you would like added to the list or if you are interested in joining the Prayer Meeting.
The Prayer Chain ministry is made up of individuals from All Saints Kingsway who have committed to pray privately for those in need. Anyone in the parish can make a prayer request for themselves or someone they know. When a request is received, it is circulated to members of the Prayer Chain. Only the person’s name and a short sentence on the nature of the prayer request is shared. Complete confidentiality is required and members of the Prayer Chain pray in their own way and in their own time. This is a quiet, discrete and wonderful ministry that blesses us all. Prayer requests can be made to

All Saints Kingsway is a vibrant hub for music in Toronto’s west end. There are various musical expressions that occur at All Saints Kingsway in both worship and performance. For more information about the musical programs or to join the choir at All Saints Kingsway, please contact the Director of Music.
Formation in the faith is about living more deeply and intentionally into the Scriptures and learning about and encountering the God we find there. Who is God? Who is Jesus? What is grace? How do we live faithfully in the 21st century and its complexities? These are all questions about our faith that deepen our formation as Christians, as followers and disciples of Jesus Christ.
As part of our culture of faith formation and journey of discipleship at All Saints Kingsway, we offer regular courses, Bible studies, learning events and opportunities, and diverse worship experiences so that we too can faithfully “put on Christ”. Faith formation programs are open to your entire family and includes nursery care for our youngest participants. Faith formation is run on Tuesday nights from 6:30pm-7:45pm in-person. For more information contact the Church office.
Anointing for Healing and Wholeness
Healing Prayer and anointing with oil makes up one part of our pastoral and healing ministry at All Saints Kingsway. This sacrament is offered each Sunday during our 10:00 am service.
Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up”
(James 5:14-15)
Anointing with oil is considered by the church as a sacramental act, and as such, is administered by ordained clergy or licensed lay anointers. It is a healing ministry intended to be situated within the life and worship of a parish or faith community. It is not considered a private or individual ministry, but a ministry of the whole of the church.
If you would like further information about this ministry, please contact Jennifer Cameron, our Deacon Associate.
All Saints Kingsway has a long history of serving the community inside and beyond our church walls.
Here are a few examples of how All Saints Kingsway is making a difference in the lives of the community around us:
- Maintaining a food cupboard for the hungry;
- Supporting those seeking refuge in Canada (click here for more information)
- Collecting clothing and toiletry donations and cooking meals for All Saints Sherbourne;
- Supporting Stonegate Ministry and FaithWorks;
- Contributing to the Moorelands Christmas Sharing Program; and
- Providing meeting space for various community partners (Alcoholics Anonymous, Girl Guides of Canada, Scouts Canada).
To learn more about our ministries, outreach activities and community partnerships and how you can help click the link below:
All Saints Food Cupboard
Food insecurity affects 1 in 7 Toronto households and is a serious public health issue. At All Saints Kingsway, we maintain a food cupboard for those in need.
Donations of non-perishable food are always needed. Items that don’t require cooking are helpful, as people who use the food cupboard do not always have a place to cook. Easy open cans (i.e., don’t require a can opener) are ideal. Canned fish, such as tuna, meats and vegetables that are low in salt and do not have added sugar are also in demand.
Non-perishable food items are collected weekly before the Sunday 10am service in the main foyer.
Stonegate Ministry
For 22 years, Stonegate Ministry has been actively engaged in helping people in the community by providing food, clothing and household goods to those who struggle with poverty. Their work also involves the eradication of isolation and loneliness by intentionally building community and by encouraging and nurturing spiritual strength by offering exciting workshops, programs and prayer.
Stonegate Ministry’s vision is to build a stronger, kinder and more just community.
All Saints Kingsway parishioners are on the board of this ecumenical ministry and help with the Store, the Food Bank, Farmer’s Market and other special events, as well as donating generously to the operations.
“We Who Are Many Are One Body” (1 Cor 10.17)
FaithWorks – the annual appeal of the Diocese of Toronto – provides support to 18 Ministry Partners helping people in need throughout our diocese and around the world. Since 1996, FaithWorks has provided more than $24 million to Anglican-affiliated ministries who care for and serve vulnerable and marginalized people in communities throughout the Greater Toronto and 905 areas. A portion of the money raised by All Saints Kingsway for FaithWorks remains with the parish to support our own local outreach ministry.
Your generosity is truly appreciated and is making a difference in many, many lives. Visit to learn how your support is providing help and hope to some of our most marginalized sisters and brothers.
Mooreland Kids
All Saints Kingsway supports the Moorelands Christmas Sharing Program. We contribute boxes of Christmas gifts and goodies to families in need. Moorelands then provides these holiday gifts to low-income Toronto families whose children attend their programs and are struggling to make ends meet.
Talk to the clergy or contact the office if you are interested in helping or providing support.
Children & Youth
Experience the fun and energy of the Children’s and Youth Ministry at All Saints Kingsway. For more information, contact our Associate Minister for Children and Youth
Sunday Morning (10am service)
Children from ages 3 to grade 5 are invited to Godly Play, an innovative and unique program that immerses children into popular bible stories. Godly Play goes much farther than simply telling kids about things that Jesus did – it creates a story around the children so that they find themselves right in the middle of a biblical scene, and then invites them to look around, make observations, ask questions and wonder about what it means and how it may affect their own lives.
Children will be dismissed prior to the first reading to go the Godly Play room. Children are brought up by the Godly Play volunteers to join their Parents/Guardians and the rest of the congregation for Communion. Children from ages 3 to grade 1 meet in the Godly Play room (to the left, at the bottom of the east stairwell). Children in grades 2 to 5 meet in the Chapel room (to the left, at the top of the east stairwell).
We also have a nursery available for babies and toddlers, located on the lower level, down the hall from the Godly Play room (before the Auditorium).
The nursery is open at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. We try to have two people (Nursery Coordinator and a youth caregiver) managing the nursery every week. The Nursery has a change table, lots of toys and craft supplies, and the sound from upstairs is piped in. Guardians can feel free to drop their children off or stay with them, while still being able to follow along with the service upstairs.
In addition to the change table in the Nursery, there is a diaper change pad in the washroom next to the Wilkinson Room (main floor, towards the back of the church).
All Saints Kingsway is breast-feeding friendly. Nursing parents can make themselves comfortable wherever they see fit.
Feel free to ask an usher or greeter in the church foyer (west entrance) if you have questions about where to go. Babies, children and youth are welcome in all of our worship celebrations, and they are invited to stay for the service, if they prefer.
Beyond Sunday
Throughout the church year, All Saints Kingsway runs numerous events designed to support the faith journeys of children and youth. Check out Calendar of Events for information about upcoming children and youth events or speak with the Associate Minister for Children and Youth to be added to the email list.
These include the ever-popular Christmas Eve Pageant, the Good Friday Way of the Cross, our Annual Trunk or Treat, Advent Breakfast, and the occasional Instructed Eucharists plus so much more!
Summer Day Camp
All Saints Kingsway is pleased to offer a full-day summer day camp program. Children in Kindergarten to Grade 5 are invited to join us for a week filled with lots of fun, crafts, games, snacks, Bible stories and music.
Various youth events occur throughout the year including games nights, movie nights, sleepovers at the Church, escape room adventures and more.

Health and Safety
The health and safety of your children is of paramount importance to us at All Saints Kingsway. We make every effort to have a safe, healthy, child-friendly space.
All of our children and youth leaders and volunteers go through the Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith program as required by the Diocese. We are accommodating to children with allergies, so please provide us with any relevant health information we might need. The snacks we serve during the Godly Play feast are both nut and gluten free. If your child has any other special needs, please let us know when you fill out a registration form or by contacting our Associate Minister for Children and Youth.